Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pushing the Comfort Boundaries

Tuesday, July 1st  7:42 to 8:08 pm  101°
Solo ride - Morgan
Sand dunes, N of house

Was told I had 30 minutes before dinner, so I decided to spend that precious time with Morgan.  Tacked up quickly snapped a quick (and poorly framed) picture before heading out the same road as the day before.
Sorry you have no face Morgan 

Decided rather than turn right and follow the road we were familiar with, we should traverse a path parallel to it and expand her boundaries a bit.  This path is more of a wash out that curves around by the sand dunes then arcs back to meet the road that takes us home.  It is soft on the horses' hooves and has no rabbit holes/dens to worry about, and enough of a gentle upward slope to make it fun.
Her mane looks red in this light ... she looks way better with a black mane

Usually the embankments make Morgan snort in challenge to whatever may lay ahead, but she was quieter than normal.  Her head and ears kept swiveling as we continued through the wash and resulted in several odd pictures such as this:
Yep, most of the pictures turned out to have at least one ear in them

 She moved out at a nice trot through the wash and continued holding pace once we rejoined the road.  I had her slow down to a walk before making the turn and heading home, then let her move out at any pace she desired.  Got wonderful steady movement out of her until the footing changed to hard packed sand, then we slowed down again and walked the rest of the way home.
Great horse + Stolen moments in the saddle = Wonderful way to end the day!

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