Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Personal Record - 11 days in a row!

Wednesday, July 2nd  Approximately 7:30 pm and hot. Very hot.  15-20 minutes
Solo ride
Sand dunes North East of the house

Decided to take the same path as yesterday.  Once we left the driveway, she started nervous trotting going away from the house.  I let her pick the pace and started singing a mellow song as we moved out.  Once we got to the intersection, she voluntarily selected the right hand path through the wash ... I swear that horse can read my mind sometimes.

Only deviation from the day before was that I turned her east sooner than the day before.  The road curved and met up with the path she was familiar with after a minute.  Once she was on "familiar" ground, she really started to turn on the speed.  We paralleled the house for about 10 minutes before turning south and heading home.  Asked her to drop in to a trot on the way home because we weren't following a path as much as we were just riding through the open desert.  Smooth ride, no problems, joyful time was had!

Knew I wouldn't be able to ride tomorrow ... glad to end our riding streak on a positive note

Love, love, love that face!

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