Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Best Ride of The Year ... So Far

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 Left at 6:50 pm  Arrived home at 8:15 pm  89° - Rained earlier in the day
Morgan - Bill & Majesty (Arabian), T & Red, J & Beauty (appy), and N & TC (OTTB)

Meeting got cancelled, so an impromptu ride was in order.  Called T and invited her along.  She said her friends would meet us in the sand dunes.  In record time, we saddled up and headed out.
T & Red showing off their new "purple" gear

 Initially Morgan took the lead, but once we were close to the dunes we were overtaken by Majesty's spirited steps.

Majesty hadn't been out in a while, and with the smell of rain still hanging in the air, he seemed much more youthful than his 26 years.   He challenged any and all dunes, no matter how steep.
We located some puddles and worked on stepping around, in, and through them for a while.  
At first, Morgan and Majesty were reluctant, but they soon understood there were no horseflesh-eating animals in the puddles. 

Red and Majesty each conquering their own puddles of doom

Here Bill and Majesty claimed to be "King of the Puddles."  
No one challenged him for the title, and since our new friends arrived, we continued on to the dunes.   

Wandering through the sand dunes.  
Morgan and I trailed behind, quite content just to be out on such a wonderful evening
Morgan and I taking a moment in the huge puddle that we found in the sand dunes.  Love my Morgie!

Everyone wanted a chance to play in the long puddle and the horses were quite willing to join in the fun

Wasn't enough just to walk in the water ... much more fun to run!  
Red came out of this puddle with mud "freckles" caked up her back legs.  Simply adorable :)

Such an eclectic party: a Quarter Horse, an Appaloosa, a Thoroughbred, and an Arabian
There was no need to prompt everyone ... they were smiling and laughing the whole ride

Red shows everyone how she really feels about Morgan photo-bombing her
We parted ways here and meandered through the open desert for a bit

Home stretch with the sun setting.  Absolutely the perfect way to end the day!

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