Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wasabi's 2nd Day in a Row

July 10th 91° Left @ 7:50 pm Home @ 9:00 pm
Rode with Bill & Majesty (Mustang) and T & Red
Bill & Wasabi: 7:50 pm - 8:30 pm
* Rode Morgan home solo from T & Red's house

Wasabi was completely mellow ... two days in a row is doing her disposition some good!

She was extremely patient.  She stood there for 35 minutes while Bill adjusted the cinch, breast collar, back cinch, tried different headstalls, and changed out bits.  Never once showed any irritation, which is an admirable quality in this headstrong mare.

New bit set up (with cavesson) seems to be working out well

Wasabi was able to open her mouth and pull through the mullen mouth bit that she had been using for the last few months.  Bill tried a high port roller bit, but we saw she could get over that as well.   T suggested using a cavesson or a figure 8 headstall ... since I had a cavesson in the tack shed, Bill gave it a try.

Heading down the road East of our house ... sun beginning to set
Everyone seemed calm and glad to be out

T was trying out a new headstall and combination hackamore/bit on Red this evening as well.  Both horses seemed to handle the change with only minor disgruntlement.  When I asked T how the new headstall was working, Red whipped her head around and slammed the bit into T's shin.  The timing was amazing - it was like Red knew what I said and showed us how she felt about having a bit.

Wasabi's first sustained trot in the open desert 

Wasabi tried her best to gain control of the bit, and threw a little hissy fit - stamping, kicking out with one hind foot, tossing her head - and then dropped her head and really began listening to Bill.  No more arguments from the mustang, and Bill rewarded her by letting her stretch out into a trot for half a mile.  She came back to a walk with no fuss, which is great!

Waiting at the cross roads ... Morgan's ears make everything look fabulous!

Look how nicely that mustang stands!  She's facing home, but not at all trying to get there.  No one was ready to quit yet, so we continued on away from the house for a bit longer.

Didn't want to use the flash and spook Wasabi, but I loved the casualness of these two heading home.

This evening made 6 hours of saddle time between Bill & Wasabi.  I had only logged 10 hours before turning over the reins.  They look as though they'd been partners for years instead of mere hours.

A ride is simply not complete without the obligatory "Cheese" picture

After we dropped T & Red off at home, Morgan and I headed home by ourselves.
4 minutes flat to make it from her yard to ours ... I think that's a new record!
*Note: Morgan's still tender in the front hooves

Though the moon was almost full, it was clouded over ... simply breathtaking to behold

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