Sunday, July 6, 2014

Appy Rump

Sunday, July 6th  Left house at 7:10 pm Arrived home at 8:43 pm  95°
1) Rode with T & Red, H & Beauty, V & Repo
2) Rode with Neighbor & QH
*Note: Morg is really uncomfortable on even small rocks.  Had to keep her in the sand the whole ride

This is an odd view ... we're not used to looking at spotts

T called and asked if I wanted to go riding.  I saddled up and we met her friend "H" and H's mother "V" at the crossroads near the hourse.  I'd never ridden with T's friends before, but I knew her appy, Beauty, was a solid minded horse.  They compete in the local gymkhanas and ride all over the valley bareback.  V was riding a green Arabian/TB cross named Repo. We kept our pace at a sedate walk.

Morgan placed herself between the appy and Red for this ride, and Repo brought up the rear.  We ventured through the sand dunes, over to the "salt flats," and around some of our favorite trails.  We were trying to give Repo a chance to work on going up and down small hills and crossing river beds.  He seemed to be doing fine.  As the sun started to set, we said goodbye to H and V and headed towards T & Red's home.

Very blurry shot of our neighbor with his quarter horse on the left and T and Red on the right

As we were approaching my house, I received a call from Bill.  He said the neighbor wanted to take a short ride, could we swing by and pick him up?  Fortunately, we were only about 5 minutes from his house.  His quarter horse hadn't been ridden in about a year, so we kept it at a walk.  We dropped T off at home and then turned back towards our house.

Our neighbor asked if he could stretch his horse out, and I said Morgan would keep whatever pace they set.  We trotted the rest of the way home in the increasing darkness.  I dropped the neighbor off at his house and went across the street to our house.  The quarter horse must have had a good time with us, because as I was untacking Morgan I saw a familiar sorrel face peek around the tack shed.  Our neighbor came jogging over a few minutes later to collect his horse.  *grins*

One adorable Morgan!  If she was any more super, she would need a cape

I'm so impressed with my Morgan!  She is quiet, polite, and rock steady when around other horses - even ones she has never met before.  She just handles whatever situation we are in.  This is the most we have ever ridden, and the results are really showing ... she settles down quicker, doesn't need to be in the lead, and responds to my softest ques.  She is just amazing!

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