Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hoof Trim - Tender

Saturday, July 5th  Left at 8:26 pm  Arrived home at 8:53 pm  80°
Rode with Bill & Majesty
To the end of the East street and back

Morgan had her hooves trimmed early this morning.  Farrier said her heel was long on the left front, so he trimmed them back to where they should be but she may be tender for about a week.  Said her hooves were very hard and that we should soak them before he comes out to trim next time.
Pretty little hooves!
Left my cell phone in the tack shed this evening, so only two pictures.  Silly me.

Morgan was very tender-footed, so she and I paralleled Bill and Majesty rather than stay in the street.  Her head was in a nice, low position rather than held up high, which was nice to see.  Of course, she could have been looking for rocks to avoid!

Quiet ride to the end of the street.  Bill pointed out a small coyote that was ahead and to the left of our position.  The coyote took of running once it had been spotted.  Figuring one that small had a mother around, we kept a sharp eye out, but we didn't see any others.

Traveled home in the fading light.  Our neighbor was out and asked if he could tag along for a ride sometime.  We invited him to join us anytime!

Morgan waiting patiently to be untacked and turned out

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