Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sunsets are the Best!

Wednesday, July 30th  Left at 7:22 pm  Home at 8:12 pm  97°
Rode with Bill & Majesty

Lovely sunset to the west ... storm clouds to the east

Storms are moving in and the wind really picked up today, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to ride.  I managed to sweet talk Bill into joining us just as the sun was starting to slip down behind the mountains.

Morgan's mane just cracked me up in this photo

Morgan spies Bill's free hand and moves in for an ear rub

Morgan was an absolute pleasure to ride, even with the wind, crackling lightening off in the distance, and the sky growing darker.  She has learned to listen for the saddle bags to open and the distinct chime of the camera when it turns on ... then she stops moving and stands perfectly still. Apparently, I've been taking enough pictures lately that she's trained herself  :)
My absolute favorite picture of these two!

We wandered through the sand dunes, in the salt flats, and started down the path to our street. When we reached the corner, neither of us wanted to turn towards home just yet, so we extended our ride to include the streets we had taken yesterday with Wasabi.
Caught in the act of petting my beloved Morgan

We talked very little, but we shared some great moments.  I absolutely love spending time with my husband and my horse!  It was one of those days where I was just living in the moment ... the beautiful, splendid moments that can only be found in the saddle.
Picking up the pace as the sunlight was fading

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