Monday, July 21, 2014

Working on Flexing the Neck & New Barn Cat

Monday, July 22nd  Evening, About an hour  93°
Solo, Ground Work
This is not Morgan ... This is Elmer. He just started showing up and has decided he lives with us now.

Bill was in house working on the air conditioner, so I went outside to feed.  I couldn't resist working with Morgan, so I tossed on a halter and worked on flexing her neck.  She was much better on the left side, but she seemed to be stiff on her right side.  After about 20 tries on each side, I decided to try it from the saddle.

Hello Elmer.  Thank you for guarding the front porch and eating bugs

I tossed on her bitless bridle, but she really stiffened her neck and she resisted turning to either side.  I thought maybe that might not be the best tool, so I switched to her bit.  This seemed to work better, but she kept trying to move her feet before giving to the bit and receiving release.
Um Elmer ...You don't really look big and brave when you're begging to be picked up

We kept working at it until I could get two flexes on each side while at a stand still.  Then I moved her over to the mounting stool.  I worked on bringing her head to the left, sliding in to the saddle, then flexing to the right and releasing before dismounting.  When we did this 10 times successfully, I just let her wander around the yard in any direction and speed she wanted for a few minutes.  Then we flexed one more time before untacking and feeding all the horses.  Not a great session, but a good one!

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