Sunday, August 3, 2014

Snuck out for a morning ride

Sunday, August 3rd  Left at 9:30 am  Home at 9:58 pm  70°

Hey Morgan ... feel like a morning ride?

Ha ha ... I get to go for a ride and you don't!

Look at all that open space to explore Morgan!

Um, this looks awfully high
Get me closer Morg ... let's see what the other side looks like

Hmmm, I don't think so.
Turning around!

Water damage in the dunes

Hey, I know this path!  Just up this hill, turn right, short jog and we're home!
Absolutely right Morgan!  You pick the pace and I'll enjoy it 

What a great way to spend the morning ... thank you!
Did I hear treats?
P.S. I like the green reins Morgie. Much better than the white

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