Thursday, August 14, 2014

So, um, this happened ...

Thursday, August 14th  60 minute ride  80°
Rode with Bill & Majesty

Yeah, I stood up on Morgan's back for the first time
Easy Morgie girl ... almost up for the camera

Went for a ride with Bill and Majesty. Morgan had "zig-zag-itis" so rather than fight to keep her in a straight line, I decided to ask her to swerve in and out of bushes, dart through brush, turn tight circles around mesquite trees, and hop over small washes in the desert.  Then when she had the opportunity to go straight, she didn't try to move off in any other trajectory.

We got home and Bill yelled "Hey Amber, watch this ..." and he proceeded to put both knees in the saddle and raise his arm above his head.  So, naturally, I had to one up him by standing up, then sliding back into the saddle. Bill asked if I could do that again. Ayup. Morgan stood stock still while he dismounted, turned on his camera, and took a picture (with flash).  Even if it's not a flattering picture, it was still good enough to mark the attempt. You're a fabulous mare Morgan!

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