Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gelding Adventures

Sunday, August 24th  15 minute ride  88° 
Rode Traveller - 10 minutes
Rode Majesty - 5 minutes

So, I drug the old man Traveller out of the turn out because I couldn't remember riding him more than once in 2014.  He turned 31 this year and has been retired for the last 3 or 4 years, but we try to ride him once a quarter to make him feel useful.
He is a giant!  I'm used to my 14 hh Morgan, so hopping on this 16.2 hh Thoroughbred requires preparation - I have to use the treeless saddle because his back is higher than my head, I have to locate a step stool tall enough that I can clamber up into the saddle with my short legs, and have a good dose of bravery ... because sitting that high off the ground is very nerve-wracking.  He is so tall that he can stick this head into the feed trailer with the door closed and start snacking.  Yeah, that was fun.
After that adventure, I took Majesty for a quick spin because he kept trying to stick his head in the bridle when I went to grab Traveller.  Of course, once I got him tacked up, he didn't really want to go anywhere ... it was getting dark and it was definitely dinner time.

And how did Morgan feel about me riding the geldings?
She was just fine with being left in the turn out, thank you very much.

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