Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bath Day!

Sunday, August 31st  30 minute ride  89° 
Solo later in the evening

Morgan: "What is that noise? WATER!!"
"If I just move over here, maybe he can't get me ... ah, dang it."

Morgan: "Maybe if I close my eyes and wish real hard, he'll go away."
Me: "Nope."
Morgan: *sigh*

Morgie, check out my awesome boots! They're waterproof!
Morgan: *sigh*

Wasabi's Antics:
Wasabi (top three photos): 
"Oooh, a feed bucket!"
"Dang it."
"What are you laughing at?"

Love how the water changes from clear to green when she tried taking a drink!

Wasabi: "Hey! We're not done! Where's my hug?!"
Bill: "Right here. Just had to put the hose down."

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