Saturday, August 30, 2014

Goat Adventures

Saturday, August 30th  60 minute ride  92° 
Rode with Bill & Majesty

I let Eclipse, our goat, out all day on Saturday.  She wandered around the property, chatted with the chickens, chased the cat, and tried to headbutt the dogs.  Here's a snapshot of her afternoon:
Eclipse: Hey, you got any food?  Nope? Moving on.
Hey cat, do you know where any food is?
Elmer: Yep, follow me.
Eclipse: Woo Hoo! A whole bag of goat feed!

Heading out for some fun!

Majesty: Hey Morgan, what's under there?
 Morgan: Under where?
Majesty: Ha ha! You said underwear!
Morgan: *rolls eyes*

Two tired guys heading home

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