Wednesday, August 27, 2014

30 minutes a day chases the blues away

Wednesday, August 27th  30 minute ride  88° 
Morgan: "What are you doing down there? Hey guys ... our human pez-dispenser has fallen down, dinner might be late"
Me: "I'm fine Morgan, just getting rocks out of my boot."
Morgan was fabulous about leaving the property today!  We only had one point where she stopped, looked worried.  I counted to five out loud and then asked her to move on. After that, she went everywhere without hesitation. Went a little farther then our normal route and had a great time. 
We headed back home as soon as the light started to fade because we haven't heard that the mountain lion has been caught yet.  Then we did our normal cheesy pictures (after treats were consumed of course).

On a sucktastic note, we came home to find that someone had stolen the windows out of our horse trailer. They left all the tack and spare tire in the trailer, but pried out the windows. *sigh*

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