Monday, August 11, 2014

Action Photos

Monday, August 11th  45 minute ride  85°
Rode with Bill & Majesty

Ahh ... headed out for a nice peaceful ride

Look at Majesty rocking that dune!

Hmm, looks like we got more water damage in the "gorge."
Move closer Morgan, let me see what it looks like now.

Hold still Morgan.
I don't wanna. *irritated tail swish and starts moving*
Really? Cause moving means work.
Pfffft. Make me.
Let's put a little hustle in those hooves since they want to move so badly.

A few moments later ...
Let's try this again. Whoa.
Fine, but I am NOT smiling at the camera. *switches tail*

While we were riding home, Bill said ...
When you're 80 you'll look back on today fondly. You'll remember all the times you and Morgan had together and you'll miss being able to ride.

He's right.
I hugged my Morgan and thanked her for the ride.

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