Saturday, February 14, 2015

First Ponying Session

20 Minutes 
Rode Morgan, ponied Reagan
Distance: 0.5 miles

Morgan looks so worried here!  Poor thing ... it's just a quick ride Morgie!

We ran errands all day, so I didn't get home until just about dark.  I quickly threw a saddle on Morgan and a halter on Reagan and set out down the street.  We didn't go far, but it was still enough to reinforce the leading exercises I'd been working on with Reagan and to get time with both of my mares.

After a nice workout, every mare deserves a snack (and a bath)

I will say that Reagan did wonderful going in and out of the gates, waited patiently for me to mount and then stayed on the side she was assigned.  That's a big improvement over our last venture together.  She still lags behind on while walking away from the property and tries to take the lead on the way back ... but she did much better and quick, quiet reminders had her positioned where she should be in a few seconds.

Once again, I am so, so thankful for Morgan.  She's such a steady, willing, and forgiving partner.

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