Sunday, February 15, 2015

Double Time!

45 Minutes (20 min walk, 15 min trot, 10 min walk)
Rode Morgan - Solo
Distance: unknown, tracker lost connection
Reagan was completely unfazed by the saddling process

Morgan and I went for a 20 minute walk and then I hopped in the saddle and we played in the dunes.  There wasn't another soul to be found ... not a single jackrabbit, crow, horse rider, or quad was out and about.  It was a glorious bit of wandering with just the right amount of exercise.

Reagan's "Aren't I cute?" look

I have an app on my phone that tracks our ride, provides our average mph, total distance, and shows our path with a red line on the map.  I was so excited when we were done to see how much distance we had covered and what our map would look like.
Reagan just found out that cute doesn't get you treats

Only we must have lost internet connection somewhere in the dunes because it didn't save any of our progress. *sigh*  Oh well, we'll stay away from that set of dunes in the future.

15 Minutes
Rode Reagan - Solo
Her ears just crack me up ... here's her burro imitation

Morgan and I had left late morning, so there was plenty of sunshine left to try Reagan under saddle.  I initially was just going to try on the saddle for fit, make all the necessary adjustments, and then take her for a walk.

Little tufts of funny hair tucked between her funny ears

She was so placid about the whole situation, I decided to get in the saddle and let her walk around the yard for a few minutes.  She was clearly nervous about any pressure on her face (even with the cross under headstall) so I used my legs to cue a turn reinforced by laying the reins across her neck. 

After the first five minutes, she released the tension she was clearly holding and breathed out softly.  To stop, I asked out loud then sat deeper in the saddle.  Worked out great! 

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