Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snuck in a ride before the Super Bowl

45 Minutes Total
Walking for 20 minutes - Trotting for 15 minutes - Walking for 10 minutes 
Distance: 3.21 miles

Decisions ...
I decided to change Red's nickname to Reagan.  Her registered name is Smokem Mochem, but calling her Smoke seems silly since she's a sorrel. I had tried Mochie in the past, but that didn't seem to work for either of us.  Since she's getting a new start here, she needed a new name and Reagan seems to suit her well.
Morgan laying down, Reagan watching over the herd, Wasabi snoozing, and Sundance sound asleep

Where is Majesty you might ask?  Well, he was standing by the gate waiting to go out for a ride!  Morgan hopped up as soon as she saw me grab a halter.  Such a nice mare!

Morgan was in a cuddly mood and kept scooting over to rub her head on Bill's leg.  He would absently reach down and rub her hear and she would sigh contentedly.  She was quite happy to let Majesty set the pace and follow along, but moved out very nicely when asked for a trot.  Couldn't be happier with how our progress is going!

Whenever we come in from a walk/ride, Morgan heads straight to the turn out and touches noses with Reagan. It's adorable!  Reagan gets her hooves trimmed on Saturday and then she should be able to start joining us on our daily walks.

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