Friday, February 27, 2015

Should Have Stuck With The Original Plan

40 Minute Ride
Morgan - Solo
1.82 miles
Does this look like the face of trouble?
Nope, looks like an adorable Morgan ... yet she was a pistol today.  I should have stuck with the original plan of riding Reagan and ponying Morgan today.  I got greedy and figured I could sneak in a 20 minute ride on both Morgan and Reagan.  Mmm hmm.
It started out ok ... we walked for 10 minutes then I swung up into the saddle.  I should have stuck with the original plan and kept to our normal path.  But no, I decided to follow this wash and ride parallel to the sun. Mmm hmm.

Morgan wants a treat for putting up with me. 
And she wants it now.

Once we turned towards home, Morgan got high headed and snorty. She wouldn't walk. At all. I kept having to pull her down to a walk, circle bushes, do figure 8s, flat out run in the opposite direction, whatever I could think of to get her mind back on me.  What should have been a pleasant 20 minute ride turned into a 40 minute fight because I couldn't stick with the original plan.  I forgot she'd had 4 days off and needs a routine.

Sorry Morgie girl. I'll listen to my instincts more and my greedy side less. Tomorrow will be better. I promise.

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