Sunday, February 8, 2015

Reagan's first walk

30 Minutes of Walking
Walked Reagan & Morgan
Bill walked Sundance
Distance: 1.09 miles

Came home sick from work on Thursday, and didn't get out of bed until Sunday afternoon.  No walks, let alone rides, for any of the horses or I.  

Reagan got her horseshoes removed on Saturday. Bill said she did well until the farrier touched her right rear leg.  Bill forgot she had a small injury on her right hock, but said she settled down quickly. Sorry I wasn't there to lend moral support Reagan.
The last time I saw the world through a pair of sorrel ears ... Reagan in November 2012

Sunday I thought I could manage a walk so I tossed halters on Morgan and Reagan. Reagan took a while to figure out which side she wanted to walk on.  Once we got that sorted out we headed down the road behind Bill and Sundance.

Reagan alternated between trying her best to touch Morgan or dragging behind us.  I thought having Morgan would help comfort and encourage Reagan, but I'm not sure it did any good.  

Reagan is going to need a refresher course on my expectations for walking on a lead rope.  Going away from the house she was crowding me and returning home she was trying to lead me ... and all the time she was trying to stop and snack.  She tried to walk through the gate at the same time as me, which could be dangerous.  So, we have a bit of work to do.
Reagan and I conquering the open desert ... November 2012

Walking both horses at the same time made me realize how very lucky I am to have Morgan.  We've been together four years now and she knows where I like her positioned, what speed to keep, what the route is, and what the expectations are for our walks.  So very grateful to have Morgie girl.

A little bit of work and Reagan will be back on track as well ... she's smart and she wants to do the right thing. It was unfair of me to expect her to know my rules after having been gone for a year.  Can't wait to start working with her in earnest once I feel better!

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