Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Reagan's Turn!

26 Minute Walk/Ride
Reagan - Solo
1.10 miles
Reagan: Quick, let's get out of here - Majesty sounds upset he's being left behind

Today was Reagan's turn for a walk. I saddled her up with the intention of riding her the half mile home.  Decided to try the bitless bridle today and it seemed to work better than the cross under headstall.
Why are you standing there taking pictures still?  Isn't it time to go?!

She did so much better today leading!  No rushing, no dragging behind, no crowding, and no trying to snack.  I could tell the rocks were bothering her feet, so we walked in the sand next to the road. The terrain changes had her working a bit more and thinking about her foot placement.
Reagan looking contemplative

Had to ask her to stand twice while I mounted, but that's a vast improvement.  Made her flex her neck both ways before walking off at the house, then repeated the request under saddle.  Repetition and consistency seems to help ease her worries. 
In her zen mode ... she's as quiet and calm as can be ... while eating

Rode her the whole way home, with only minor correction.  Anytime she moved faster than a walk she had to circle once then move forward.  Took us five circles, but then she settled to a beautiful walk.  

She jumped over the fallen log today without any prodding and headed for the "U" driveway rather than the gate upon arrival at the house ... which means she's learning the pattern and anticipating my requests.  The routine seems to be helping.

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