Thursday, February 26, 2015

An A-Ha! Moment ... Quietude

24 Minute Ride
Reagan - Solo
1.16 miles

Reagan: They're all looking at my butt, aren't they?

Today, Reagan:

  • put her muzzle in the bitless bridle without any urging
  • didn't look behind her when we left the turn out
  • held perfectly still while I mounted

Reagan navigating the terrain on the path she chose

Today I:

  • realized the sun was in Reagan's eyes and made her uncomfortable, so I
  • let Reagan be in charge of where we went as long as we were moving forward
  • stayed quiet in hands, mouth, thoughts, and attitude

Reagan: Look, they're right where we left them!
Me: Ayup. Usually happens that way.

Today we:

  • took the road less traveled and didn't rush home
  • provided comfort to each other and just relaxed
  • found the Reagan I remembered and fell in love with five years ago

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