Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Rhulain kicks up her heels

29 minutes - 1.05 miles - Rhulain and Luppy
 Morgan smiled when she figured out she wasn't going on a walk today.  Rhulain yawned at the prospect of hanging out with me.  I explained Luppy would be coming as well so she perked up.
Caught Luppy in a not-so-graceful stride (she seems embarrassed)
 Rhulain is so gorgeous, even her shadow is stunning
 We went up dunes, down dunes, and around dunes 
Then we started heading home ... notice what's missing in the second picture?  A lead rope.  I unhooked her to see what she'd do ... she walked peacefully beside me all the way to the gate. Love you Rhu!
Once she got in the gate, she called out and all the dogs came running.  She led them on a merry chase ... and then ...
she got the other horses involved.  
Can't wait to try that run under saddle!

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