Monday, November 9, 2015

Mondays with Morgan - Wait - Monday with a Mustang!

23 minutes - 0.95 miles - Wasabi
Look who joined me for my Monday morning walk! Wasabi!
She was excited to go, until I explained we would have to leave the feed bucket behind ... note the droopy ears and sulky look.  But, after a few minutes it was ears perked and trotting.

We climbed the highest sand dune near our house and she stopped to admire the view.  It was nice to spend the moment relaxing and taking in the vista with her this morning. 
This is about half way down the embankment.  She kept her nose in the sand on the way down.  I can't remember taking her down anything this steep before, but she did really well.
I'm not used to seeing a grey dappled back or light brown muzzle. It was a nice change of pace.  Both Morgan and Rhulain gave me crap for leaving without either one of them, but I'm pretty sure Wasabi appreciated the change of scenery.

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