Thursday, November 26, 2015

Our First Thanksgiving Without a Ride

29 minutes - 1.0 miles - Em, Zeus, Ryver, and Luppy

We were able to bring our foster daughter home on Sunday so our week has been filled with new adventures.  
I had contemplated sneaking in a ride this morning, but Em wanted to help feed the horses.  So we fed the horses and took the dogs for a walk instead.
Luppy knows the path, so she got to lead.  Em took Ryver and I got to hang out with Zeus.  Everyone did pretty well.  Em climbed sand dunes and trudged along through the sand.
When got back to the house Morgie called out for some extra attention. I taught Em how to hold out a treat for the horses and she was able to give Morgan two cubes before Wasabi realized there were snacks being given out.  Em gave Wasabi one as well.

Great morning ... lots to be thankful for.

** Never did get my horse ride in ... guess the horses are thankful for the time off!

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