Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Luppy discovered the sand dunes

33 minutes - 1.20 miles - Rhulain and Luppy
Dawn breaking over Rhulain's mane.  *sigh*  So happy.
Look who joined us this morning for our walk ... Luppy!
Rhulain: Where's the little dog?
Me: Look down.
Rhu: Oh.  Okay, we can move on now.
Rhu: Where's the yellow dog?  She's not to the right, not down there, not to the left. Mom, you lost the dog! AGAIN!
Me: Look up ... she's just climbing sand dunes.
Rhu: Oh, ok. We can move on now.
(basically, this scenario repeated for 15 minutes then we headed home)
Rhu: Taking care of you AND your dog is exhausting.  I'm going to take a nap now.

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