Friday, November 6, 2015

Altered plans aren't always a bad thing

42 minutes - 1.70 miles - Rhulain
I initially haltered Morgan, but Rhu really wanted attention so I haltered her too.  Then I grabbed both lead ropes and headed towards the gate when Morgan stopped walking.  I urged her on and four steps later she stopped again.  I cuddled her for a minute then unhooked her lead rope.  I can take a hint without taking it personal.

Rhulain and I played in sand dunes.  We jogged up every one we came across and found ourselves in some interesting places.  We found a very narrow path down a steep dune with thorny bushes lining both sides. Perfect!  Love that she's always willing to give it a try.
We jogged for a bit and then walked the last quarter mile.  Once inside the gates, I unhooked Rhu so she could wander around.  I felt a bump and turned to see this adorable face ... she wanted her snuggles ... which she got, of course.  I put her and Morgan away then headed off to work in the best mood ever!

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