Thursday, November 12, 2015

Morgan's routine is knocked off kilter

34 minutes - 1.70 miles - Morgan and Luppy
Morgan is not happy.  Not happy at all.  
First, I decided to take Luppy on our walk with us. She snorted at Luppy.
Then we left using a different gate.
AND I had the audacity to go down a different path.
Morgan ground her teeth the entire walk.
What was that noise? Luppy.
WHAT was that noise? Luppy.
What was THAT noise? Luppy.

Yep, That's how the whole walk went.
But, how does something become a routine? Repetition.  Morgan is used to her routine, but I like this path better so we'll keep using it until it becomes the norm.  Or until Morgan grinds her teeth down to nubs.

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