Thursday, November 5, 2015

Feeling Spunky

30 minutes - 1.34 miles (jog/trot) - Rhulain

Rhulain was in a great mood this morning ... look at that happy face!  She snacked on a few alfalfa cubes which turned her lips a lovely green foam. Ha!  We could see the first smattering of snow on the mountains.  Guess winter has officially arrived.
The air was crisp, the roads were clear, and it was a chilly 40 degrees.  We both felt the urge to stretch our legs this morning.  After walking 0.25 miles to stretch, we started jogging.
It's so exhilarating to jog next to her ... she stays right beside me and gives a gentle nudge if I start to slow down.  After nearly a mile, we stopped so she could grab a snack and I could catch my breath.  
Walked for a bit, noticed the calf/goat carcass is gone (don't want to know what happened to it either), and then we jogged the last 0.18 miles to the house. Perfect way to start my day.

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