Friday, July 31, 2015

Monthly Totals

July 2015

Morgan - 126 minutes - 4.75 miles
Rhulain - 222 minutes - 8.0 miles 

Bill & Majesty - 33 minutes - 1.05 miles
Bill & Wasabi - 25 minutes - 1.03 miles

Wasabi Saddle Time:
2014:     12.25 hours

Jan: 0
Feb: 0
Mar: 1.5 hours
Apr: 0
May: 40 min/10 min ground
June: 1.9 hours
July: 30 minutes (no saddle time)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Getting Ready For The Storm

21 minutes - 0.78 miles - Morgan

The sky last night with Rhu and this morning with Morgie ... rain is definitely coming our way

Morgan was worried around the storm clouds gathering, then she heard thunder rumbling, and decided it was time to hurry home if we were going to avoid getting wet!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Stealing Kisses

45 minutes - 1.55 miles - Rhulain, Bill & Zeus

Zeus has been enjoying his walks so much that Bill couldn't resist taking him along for a third trip tonight.  

The first picture looks like Bill and Zeus could just step forward onto the path, but the second picture shows that they were standing on a precipice and the drop off is rather steep. 

 This was our longest walk yet and we climbed the highest sand dunes in our area.  I huffed and puffed my way up this one, but Rhu handled it with her usual carefree grace.  She grabbed snacks on the way up, looked around, and then came in for comfort ... and I snuck in a few kisses on that adorable muzzle.

She gets a rest tomorrow  ... which I know I'll need ... my calves are telling me I wasn't quite ready to climb these dunes yet!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Simple Joys

32 minutes - 1.19 miles - Rhulain, Bill & Zeus

Just a man with his dog ...

and a woman with her fantastic, fabulous, too-awesome-to-be-true mare.

Good day. A very good day.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Best way to end a day

31 minutes - 1.17 miles - Rhulain, Bill and Zeus (Spotty Dog)

About 7:30 pm it cooled down enough to talk a walk, so we dashed out the door and headed to the sand dunes.  Worked on climbing hills slight and steep, as well as crossing various footing - from soft sand to hard packed dirt to small rocks to rockier ground.  She got a bit nervous when we got near the ravine, but we kept a steady pace and changed directions often enough to keep her busy.  

I see I've lost some of her trust during the 30+ day break, so perhaps some ground work is in order before our next walk ... nothing major, just a reassurance.  Pleased as punch to be spending time with Rhulain and can't wait to get back to saddle work ... climbing sand dunes on foot reminds me how out of shape I am!

Morning Madness

20 minutes - 0.73 miles - Morgan (and Ryver)

This is how the morning started out ... me all smiles and Morgan not really happy about leaving breakfast
Ryver led us to the gate with lots of tail wagging.  He was visibly upset when I shut the gate behind Morgan and I on the way out.  About a quarter mile away from the house I saw that Ryver had opened the gate and decided to join us.

He did moderately well at listening off the leash, but I turned around and headed home since the neighbor's dogs were out and I wasn't sure Ryver would listen to the "come" command when he encountered their pack.  We walked him home and secured the gate before continuing on.
Morgan sulked about leaving breakfast.  When I said "We'll get you home quickly so you can finish your breakfast," her head snapped up and her legs locked.  Silly girl, you still have to walk.

She sulked all the way around the block even though she got to snack often enough to make up for the abbreviated session.  As soon as we were inside the gate at home, I undid the lead line, then I turned to lock the gate.  When I turned back to get Morgan, all I saw was her backside well ahead of me heading directly towards breakfast at the quickest pace of the morning.

That mare loves her food ... much more than she loved me today that's for sure.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Rhu, we have a visitor ...

27 minutes - 1.03 miles - Rhulain, Bill and Ryver

Cleaned out Rhu's front hoof, looks much better so I didn't add any more thrush medication. Put a halter on my girl and opened the gate when I heard "Wait for us" behind me ... I turned around and saw Bill and Ryver coming our way.  

Rhu and I closed the gate behind them and headed out for our walk.  Bill was watching a video and Rhu kept trying to get a view of his screen like she was interested also.  She's funny!
We all had a great walk and I was really impressed with how well Ryver did on the leash.  Rhulain seemed interested in following Ryver so he may start joining us on our rides.

Morgie is on a two day work/two day rest schedule since she just needs a minor tune up to keep in shape.  Rhu is on a three day work/one day rest schedule to build her endurance.  If the weather continues to cooperate, we'll start riding again on Sunday.  I'd like to ride her for an hour or at least walk next to her for 20 minutes and ride 30 minutes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2 for 2!

26 minutes - 0.94 miles - Rhulain

Rhu got a good grooming session before we went on a walk.  She was more than happy to snack while I picked hooves, combed out her mane and tail, and gave her a thorough brushing.  The whole time on a dropped lead line ... nice!

Noticed a bit of thrush in her front right hoof, so I treated it with medication (and managed not to turn most of my hand purple, which is an accomplishment).  I'll keep it cleaned out and check it twice a day.
Once the grooming was completed, Rhulain grabbed a snack before we headed out for our walk.  I decided to head west out of the gate as we had not traveled that way yet.  The ground is much deeper sand interspersed with hard packed dirt and the properties in that direction have lots of bamboo lining their fences.

Rhu seemed very nervous about the noise of the wind rushing through the bamboo.  The cicadas started chirping and her head shot straight up. Then my phone started ringing, and without thinking I answered it.

What I should have done was turn it off and help Rhu through the scary noises.  Poor Rhu ... I left her all alone when she needed me.  I got off the phone and apologized profusely.  

She seemed to forgive me after a bit and we started to head home, stopping to snack along the way.  She picked up a tumbleweed and started shaking her head up and down with the weed dangling from her lips.  I laughed out loud.  She swung her neck and smacked me in the forehead with the tumbleweed, so maybe I hadn't been forgiven just yet.

Thanks for the reminder Rhu.  You're adorable.

2 Mornings in a Row!

26 minutes - 1.09 miles - Morgan

The doberman started sulking when I told him he couldn't go for a ride with us today.  So cute!

I was 5 minutes late getting outside this morning and Morgan let me know ... as soon as my boot hit the front porch she started calling out.  I'm coming Morgie!  I think she just likes eating breakfast in peace while I tack up.

Morgan spotted our neighbor walking to his car and decided to strike a pose so he could admire her beauty.  She's very kind and thoughtful like that.

After making sure he got a good eyeful, we proceeded on our way.  She was less bouncy on the way home today but still on alert once she realizes it's just the two of us out there in the "wilds."  If I can keep this pace up, she'll be back to her normal self in another day or two.

Very grateful for the time I get to spend with my girls!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Walking with Rhu

31 minutes - 1.08 miles - Rhulain

As promised, I hurried home and haltered Rhulain for a walk.
She's dreamy on a lead line ... right beside me but never in front of me.

I find it interesting that Morgie likes a routine (same path/same time-frame) while Rhulain likes an adventure, so we rarely go the same way twice.  Today we were walking down the road and she asked to take a left and follow a wash.

I led the way in case there was anything dangerous, and she was content to walk as long as she was touching me.  Generally her muzzle rests on my hand or brushes my back if we have to walk single file.  It's so endearing!

I did get her to separate from me and hold still long enough to grab one good picture and then we were off again.  There was dinner to be had after all!  She's amazing ... not a bit of work for 30 days and she was stellar!

*does the "I got to ride my horse" dance*

26 minutes - 1.10 miles - Morgan

I had started to give up hope that I'd be able to ride before October, but it rained for two days and this morning it was cool enough to go for a walk ... so I ran outside with halter in hand calling Morgan's name excitedly.
She was perfectly willing to go for a walk, talk, and snack ... until I mentioned riding home.  Then her head popped up and she went bug-eyed because she was out here ALL ALONE.  Silly Morgie ... I'm right here with you, always.

She was rather bouncy on the way home so we spent time in the open desert rather than on the road where she could really pick up speed.  We just re-channeled her energy and circled bushes until she settled.  

I fed her breakfast as I untacked, let her wander as I fed everyone else, and gave her praises and big hugs every time I was near her.  It was the perfect way to spend my morning.

Told Rhulain to expect some attention this evening if it stays under 90 degrees ... keeping my fingers crossed!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Finally! Horse Time!

33 minutes - 1.05 miles - Morgan, Bill & Majesty
25 minutes - 1.03 miles - Rhulain, Bill & Wasabi
Morgan and I were in a goofy mood and spent most of our walk time making silly faces, whispering smooshy things in each other's ears, and hugging.  I missed my Morgie girl!

Bill and Majesty were more distinguished, but I think they missed each other too.  Majesty kept slowing down like he wanted to hang out just a little longer.

We got home with enough light left to take Rhu and Wasabi out for a walk
We found some plywood and carpet laying on the ground, which became a learning opportunity.  Wasabi stepped right over it and was bored.  Rhu wasn't sure.  She sniffed it, looked for a way around it, then with some encouragement, stepped on it and hustled to the other side.  

She immediately came over for some comfort, hugs, and praise.  I was quite willing to oblige!
Wasabi and Rhu posed for pictures on the way back from our walk ... that Wasabi is a beauty and she's filled out nicely.  Can't wait to get her into shape and have her ride beside Rhu and I.

For me though, Rhulain is absolutely gorgeous.  I love that when we walk, she always has to be right next to me, almost touching but not quite.  So infatuated with her!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cooler weather is coming!

Forecast shows high of 94 degrees for this weekend ... 
I promised Rhulain and Morgan we would all take walks this weekend ... 
I've miss my girls terribly ... can't wait!

Ryver has started the transition to become an outside dog.  He's doing rather well, can't complain.  Now if we could just get him to come when he's called, then he might have a chance of accompanying us on horse rides in the future.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Our $4 for the 4th Specials

Our local kill shelter ran a $4 special for any dog that had been at the shelter for longer than 7 days.

Bill and I went to take a look around with the thought of adopting a buddy for our "outside" dog.
This was Bill's pick.  A ferocious 4 pound terrier... ferociously cute.
Yeah, he came home with us. 
Meet Einstein.  He's stinking adorable.
As for me, well, I picked out a doberman pinscher named Ryver.  He's awesome.
Except he likes to give kisses.  *sigh*  Guess I'll have to get used to dog kisses.

Almost makes up for the fact I haven't ridden a horse in nearly a month.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I miss my mares terribly

I haven't spent time with the horses other than to feed, water, and handle fly masks since June 11th.  That's almost three whole weeks of no horse time.

We've had excessive heat warnings every day since June 18th, and even at midnight it's still 90 degrees.  Which means no riding, no walking, no anything. 

I miss my horses.
So, I hung out with the girls last night.  Fed them watermelons, scratched itchy spots, sat and talked to them while they ate, and generally soaked in their horse-ness.