Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2 Mornings in a Row!

26 minutes - 1.09 miles - Morgan

The doberman started sulking when I told him he couldn't go for a ride with us today.  So cute!

I was 5 minutes late getting outside this morning and Morgan let me know ... as soon as my boot hit the front porch she started calling out.  I'm coming Morgie!  I think she just likes eating breakfast in peace while I tack up.

Morgan spotted our neighbor walking to his car and decided to strike a pose so he could admire her beauty.  She's very kind and thoughtful like that.

After making sure he got a good eyeful, we proceeded on our way.  She was less bouncy on the way home today but still on alert once she realizes it's just the two of us out there in the "wilds."  If I can keep this pace up, she'll be back to her normal self in another day or two.

Very grateful for the time I get to spend with my girls!

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