Tuesday, July 21, 2015

*does the "I got to ride my horse" dance*

26 minutes - 1.10 miles - Morgan

I had started to give up hope that I'd be able to ride before October, but it rained for two days and this morning it was cool enough to go for a walk ... so I ran outside with halter in hand calling Morgan's name excitedly.
She was perfectly willing to go for a walk, talk, and snack ... until I mentioned riding home.  Then her head popped up and she went bug-eyed because she was out here ALL ALONE.  Silly Morgie ... I'm right here with you, always.

She was rather bouncy on the way home so we spent time in the open desert rather than on the road where she could really pick up speed.  We just re-channeled her energy and circled bushes until she settled.  

I fed her breakfast as I untacked, let her wander as I fed everyone else, and gave her praises and big hugs every time I was near her.  It was the perfect way to spend my morning.

Told Rhulain to expect some attention this evening if it stays under 90 degrees ... keeping my fingers crossed!

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