Wednesday, July 22, 2015

2 for 2!

26 minutes - 0.94 miles - Rhulain

Rhu got a good grooming session before we went on a walk.  She was more than happy to snack while I picked hooves, combed out her mane and tail, and gave her a thorough brushing.  The whole time on a dropped lead line ... nice!

Noticed a bit of thrush in her front right hoof, so I treated it with medication (and managed not to turn most of my hand purple, which is an accomplishment).  I'll keep it cleaned out and check it twice a day.
Once the grooming was completed, Rhulain grabbed a snack before we headed out for our walk.  I decided to head west out of the gate as we had not traveled that way yet.  The ground is much deeper sand interspersed with hard packed dirt and the properties in that direction have lots of bamboo lining their fences.

Rhu seemed very nervous about the noise of the wind rushing through the bamboo.  The cicadas started chirping and her head shot straight up. Then my phone started ringing, and without thinking I answered it.

What I should have done was turn it off and help Rhu through the scary noises.  Poor Rhu ... I left her all alone when she needed me.  I got off the phone and apologized profusely.  

She seemed to forgive me after a bit and we started to head home, stopping to snack along the way.  She picked up a tumbleweed and started shaking her head up and down with the weed dangling from her lips.  I laughed out loud.  She swung her neck and smacked me in the forehead with the tumbleweed, so maybe I hadn't been forgiven just yet.

Thanks for the reminder Rhu.  You're adorable.

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