Monday, July 27, 2015

Best way to end a day

31 minutes - 1.17 miles - Rhulain, Bill and Zeus (Spotty Dog)

About 7:30 pm it cooled down enough to talk a walk, so we dashed out the door and headed to the sand dunes.  Worked on climbing hills slight and steep, as well as crossing various footing - from soft sand to hard packed dirt to small rocks to rockier ground.  She got a bit nervous when we got near the ravine, but we kept a steady pace and changed directions often enough to keep her busy.  

I see I've lost some of her trust during the 30+ day break, so perhaps some ground work is in order before our next walk ... nothing major, just a reassurance.  Pleased as punch to be spending time with Rhulain and can't wait to get back to saddle work ... climbing sand dunes on foot reminds me how out of shape I am!

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