Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Stealing Kisses

45 minutes - 1.55 miles - Rhulain, Bill & Zeus

Zeus has been enjoying his walks so much that Bill couldn't resist taking him along for a third trip tonight.  

The first picture looks like Bill and Zeus could just step forward onto the path, but the second picture shows that they were standing on a precipice and the drop off is rather steep. 

 This was our longest walk yet and we climbed the highest sand dunes in our area.  I huffed and puffed my way up this one, but Rhu handled it with her usual carefree grace.  She grabbed snacks on the way up, looked around, and then came in for comfort ... and I snuck in a few kisses on that adorable muzzle.

She gets a rest tomorrow  ... which I know I'll need ... my calves are telling me I wasn't quite ready to climb these dunes yet!

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