Monday, July 27, 2015

Morning Madness

20 minutes - 0.73 miles - Morgan (and Ryver)

This is how the morning started out ... me all smiles and Morgan not really happy about leaving breakfast
Ryver led us to the gate with lots of tail wagging.  He was visibly upset when I shut the gate behind Morgan and I on the way out.  About a quarter mile away from the house I saw that Ryver had opened the gate and decided to join us.

He did moderately well at listening off the leash, but I turned around and headed home since the neighbor's dogs were out and I wasn't sure Ryver would listen to the "come" command when he encountered their pack.  We walked him home and secured the gate before continuing on.
Morgan sulked about leaving breakfast.  When I said "We'll get you home quickly so you can finish your breakfast," her head snapped up and her legs locked.  Silly girl, you still have to walk.

She sulked all the way around the block even though she got to snack often enough to make up for the abbreviated session.  As soon as we were inside the gate at home, I undid the lead line, then I turned to lock the gate.  When I turned back to get Morgan, all I saw was her backside well ahead of me heading directly towards breakfast at the quickest pace of the morning.

That mare loves her food ... much more than she loved me today that's for sure.

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