Thursday, July 23, 2015

Rhu, we have a visitor ...

27 minutes - 1.03 miles - Rhulain, Bill and Ryver

Cleaned out Rhu's front hoof, looks much better so I didn't add any more thrush medication. Put a halter on my girl and opened the gate when I heard "Wait for us" behind me ... I turned around and saw Bill and Ryver coming our way.  

Rhu and I closed the gate behind them and headed out for our walk.  Bill was watching a video and Rhu kept trying to get a view of his screen like she was interested also.  She's funny!
We all had a great walk and I was really impressed with how well Ryver did on the leash.  Rhulain seemed interested in following Ryver so he may start joining us on our rides.

Morgie is on a two day work/two day rest schedule since she just needs a minor tune up to keep in shape.  Rhu is on a three day work/one day rest schedule to build her endurance.  If the weather continues to cooperate, we'll start riding again on Sunday.  I'd like to ride her for an hour or at least walk next to her for 20 minutes and ride 30 minutes.

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