Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Walking with Rhu

31 minutes - 1.08 miles - Rhulain

As promised, I hurried home and haltered Rhulain for a walk.
She's dreamy on a lead line ... right beside me but never in front of me.

I find it interesting that Morgie likes a routine (same path/same time-frame) while Rhulain likes an adventure, so we rarely go the same way twice.  Today we were walking down the road and she asked to take a left and follow a wash.

I led the way in case there was anything dangerous, and she was content to walk as long as she was touching me.  Generally her muzzle rests on my hand or brushes my back if we have to walk single file.  It's so endearing!

I did get her to separate from me and hold still long enough to grab one good picture and then we were off again.  There was dinner to be had after all!  She's amazing ... not a bit of work for 30 days and she was stellar!

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