Saturday, May 2, 2015

Riding by the monorail

35 minutes
Rode Morgan
Bill and Majesty
1.60 miles

Bill asked if I wanted to go for a ride ... you never have to ask me twice!

Saddled up by bestie girl and headed out to the sand dunes.  Not another soul in site ... it was simply marvelous.  It was a bit windy, but that just helped keep us from overheating.

Then we came home and rode the horses past our newest acquisition ...

A monorail.

This one was engineered and used at Walt Disney World until it was retired and sold to MGM Grand for use in Las Vegas.  It ran between the Bally's Casino and MGM Casino for a few years before they retired it and sent it to be stored in our Valley.  Bill knew the gentleman who was storing it and they worked out a deal.  Bill sold an engine and a passenger car on eBay to a gentleman who is renovating the cars to become a children's museum in New York.

As for us ... who knows what it will become ... may become sleeping compartments, dining cars, butterfly habitat, or even Amber's new tack shed.  It hold many options and we're entertaining all notions, no matter how crazy!

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