31 minutes with Rhu - 0.97 miles
Morgan made it clear that she wanted to be the first one out of the turn out today. She was standing at the gate calling out as soon as I stepped off the front porch. That's my girl! We saddled up and walked the half mile down the street (with her constantly checking my pockets for snacks).
At the end of the street I let her snack on the dried grasses for a few minutes before hopping into the saddle for the ride home. Such a delight to be with my Morgie girl!

I took Rhu out, walked her through cones, in and out the "other" gate (since we hadn't gone through that one yet), and then tied her off to the trailer. When I walked back with her saddle I found her parked out ... nice form Rhu!
We walked down the same road I had just taken with Morgan. I knew the neighbor's dogs were out and I wanted to see how Rhu would handle them. She circled around me then stopped facing the three barking dogs before dismissing them. Nicely done.
I let her stop and snack about half a mile from the house and she managed to get bits stuck in her forelock, get her muzzle filthy, and even a few burrs in her fetlocks. She made me laugh really hard when she lifted her head and was covered in food particles.
We walked parallel to the road on the way home just to practice with different footing and followed washes whenever possible. We came upon my favorite downed tree log, and though she was hesitant at first, she stepped over it cleanly. I adore her attitude ... willing and sensitive. She's stunning in both beauty and brains!
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