Saturday, May 16, 2015

Busy Day - Three horses in 60 minutes

22 minutes with Rhu - 0.75 miles walk; 8 minutes with Rhu under saddle
10 minutes with Morgan - just around the yard

First, Wasabi got a much needed bath.  She was a good sport, but not really loving the attention.  She thought she'd be going for a walk or a ride, not getting wet.  Ah well.

Morgan spent the afternoon "inspecting" the alfalfa cubes as I filled buckets for the other horse's lunch.  While she was standing there looking adorable, I stood on the trailer hitch and slid on her back ... no halter/lead rope ... and she started walking towards the open gate, but I had her turn back.  One day Morgie girl we'll go out that gate bareback.

Then it was Rhulain's turn.  Bill was outside scrubbing graffiti off his monorail, so we talked him into leading Rhu around on a lead rope while I sat in the saddle.  I borrowed Morgie's saddle, but it didn't fit well ... so we kept it to a quick ride down driveway twice and then untacked.  I did get to sit out her trot on the second lap, can't wait to try it out for real!  Oddly, the stirrups felt too short when I was on Rhu ... looks like my knees are bent too much.

Then I took Rhu out for her second walk off the property.  Last time was just about half a mile, so I decided to go a bit farther today.  We walked down the same horse path as last time, came back on the street, and then veered through the open desert as we got close to the house.  

Practiced going up and down small dirt patches, sand "dunes" (really, they're about 6-8" high), and wandered between the desert brush and trees.  Couldn't ask for a better walk with her ... so calm, no trying to get past me, and no rushing home.

Great day, great horses.

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