Friday, May 1, 2015

Definitely Reagan's Last Ride

20 minutes
Rode Reagan
0.92 miles

Windy, chilly, and getting dark .,. just about the perfect time to throw a saddle on Reagan and take a spin around the block.  She was a sweet girl, but nervous about the wind.  Had a bit of a spazz attack when my hat fluttered in the wind so I brought it close to her shoulder then retreated until she was able to let it touch her while holding still.
After that, she was just as good as gold.  We wandered down the road, out in the open desert, and then circled back home all at a nice calm walk with her head in perfect position.  

I rubbed her neck quite a bit and told her what a wonderful mare she is and how much I appreciated our time together.
After our ride, I taught her how to take carrots out of my hand because her new owner will probably want to treat her in hand.  She really liked that lesson!  Gonna miss you red girl ... but you're headed off to new adventures ... and you're always welcome home.  Always.

** Reagan's new owner picked her up Sunday, May 3rd. 
Happy trails to you both! **

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