Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Different Views

30 min - Morgan - 1.42 miles
22 min - Rhu (ponied) - 0.93 miles
8 min - Bill & Sundance - 0.5 miles

Normal view.

Wrong view.

Better view.

Interesting view.

No time to ride Morgan and walk Rhu ... so I figured I'd pony Rhu.  Morgan was not a fan of this idea and expressed herself in no uncertain terms ... flattened ears, hard eyes, grinding of teeth, and even a little kick aimed at Rhulain.

I made quick corrections to Rhu's position and got her behind and off to the side of Morgan, but Morgie was clearly not happy.  Rhu couldn't figure out why Morgan didn't want to be her buddy.  
We cut the ride short ... a mere 22 minutes. 

Got home to see Bill on Sundance. Wait, Sundance??!!  He hasn't ridden Sundance in about 4.5 years.  I put Rhu in the turn out, hopped back in the saddle and went out the front gate to catch Bill.  We basically rode to the corner and back.  Just enough to stretch Sundance's legs but not enough to take her out of her comfort zone.  

Morgan was still not happy.  Apparently I need to feed before we go out and she doesn't want to share my time anymore.  Noted, thanks Morgie Moonpie!

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