Monday, May 18, 2015

Rhu hits the 1 mile mark

28 minutes - Rhulain walk - 1.06 miles

I took Rhulain for a walk heading down the same path as yesterday.  I wanted to push a little further and complete a full mile. When we got near the house with the dogs she tucked in directly behind me for protection.  Adorable. 

Once we got past that house, she resumed her normal position.  She was a bit talkative today ... I asked her if she had marbles in her nose and got a perplexed look.  She makes me laugh.

The sun was rapidly dropping on our way back to the house, but she didn't rush or push past me.  She did tuck behind me again as we got close to the "dog" house, but they weren't outside so she relaxed within a few steps.  I see this may be something we have to work on.

My intention was to take Morgan for a walk as well, but there was very little light left when Rhu and I got home.  I let her out and fed her some carrots, spent a little time just snuggling, and making amends.  

She seems confused and a bit hurt lately so I'll need to take her out first and spend more time with her ... after all, she is my bestie Morgan and I truly enjoy our time together.

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