Thursday, May 21, 2015

First Ride Around the Yard

17 minutes - Rhulain - 0.5 miles
Me: Rhu, how would you feel about taking a ride around the yard?

Rhulain: How do YOU feel about taking a ride around the yard?
Me: I'm up to it, let's go! Through those cones, a couple figure 8 formations, take a left at the gate and let's follow the fence line, then circle back around to the tack shed and we're done.
Rhu: Wait, we're done?  That was all you wanted?
Me: Yep.  Just wanted to check your steering.  Here's your "after ride" snack.
Rhu: We're going to get along just fine.  
Me: I think so too Rhu.
Morgan: I don't see what the fuss is about.  I ride around the yard all the time.
Me: Yes Morgie girl, you do and I love you for it!

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