Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Rhulain Steps Out Into The Darkness

47 minutes - 2.15 miles - Rhulain

Bill woke me up at 5:20 am.  I wanted to stay in bed where it was cozy and warm.  But then I remembered today was Rhulain's day for a walk!  I have missed my gorgeous girl!   Hustled outside and realized the stars were still clearly visible. What?! 
I had to use the flash just to get a picture of her ... a black mare on a black background doesn't show up well. :)

We did an uneventful 2.15 miles. Dreamy. I snapped a picture of her at the halfway point and one more outside our gate.  No matter what the light, she's gorgeous and the time spent with her was well worth crawling out of bed.

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