Sunday, February 14, 2016

Rhu and I tour the property

45 minutes - 1.66 miles - Rhulain
 Rhulain was up next and waited patiently at the hitching post.  I got her saddle on and heard a little voice behind me asking for a ride.  
On Rhu?  Um, I don't think so.
He was so cute I couldn't resist.  He warmed Rhu up for me and she was a true lady.  Then he hopped off and went to play on his new swing set.  Which meant I got Rhu all to myself for the next mile and a half.
She worked hard, trotted smoothly, listened well, and was absolutely dreamy.  I needed saddle time, and I got a dream come true.  
Best Valentine's Day ever ... I spent time with all my favorites, Bill, a great foster child, Morgan, and Rhulain.  I could cry I'm so happy.

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