Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Two for Tuesday

37 minutes - 1.31 miles - Morgan
24 minutes - 0.72 miles - Rhulain
Morgan and I headed out this morning with the full moon still visible.  We headed out nice and slow because my right knee is bothering me (a side effect of getting older).  It started to feel alright just as we were getting near the front gate, so I decided to drop Morgie off and grab Rhulain. 
I fed Morgan right away, so she was amenable to the switch.

Rhu and I walked around the block and she discovered the bamboo.  She was nervous as we approached because the wind was rustling the dead leaves, but once I handed her a leaf to snack on, she stuck her whole head in the bamboo to get a fresh piece.  Funny girl. We didn't walk far, but we walked in contentment, and that was enough for me!

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