Saturday, February 20, 2016

Time with the Herd

Walked a mile - alternating horses

Still trying to walk 5 miles each day. Some days it's harder than others.  It always seems easiest when I have good friends along.  
I took Morgan with me for a few laps around the yard, but she didn't appreciate my company as much as I did hers.  
So, I switched her out for Sundance.  She's the most laid back of any of the horses (unless you try putting a bit in her mouth or tie her to anything) and practically fell asleep during the walk. 

Wasabi kept sticking her muzzle over the rails when I walked by, so I dropped off Sundance and haltered Wasabi.  We made a few laps, she ate a few cubes, and then I dropped her off so she could take her afternoon nap.

Majesty was next up for a walk,  He tolerated it, but he's so slow I put him back after just two laps.  
Rhu was not sure why she was last in my pecking order.  I explained it was because we'd be walking the farthest together.  She seemed to forgive me ... after she ate a few treats.

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