Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mourning the loss of my lead rope

69 minutes - 2.57 miles - Rhulain

Walked with Rhulain this morning for 2.0 miles, then hopped in the saddle for the last half mile.  She was a little spooky at two spots, but nothing too bad.  A quick reassurance and we were back on track. 
Only downside today - I had looped her lead rope off the hitching post.  When I started to walk off, she tried to follow me and found that she was tied.  She pulled back and before I could get to her, the lead broke. *sigh*  
I grabbed a new lead rope and tied her off again.  This time I walked backwards away from her and since she held still, I came forward and praised her.  Did it two more times just to be sure she got the lesson.

Going to miss that lead rope. It was definitely my favorite.

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